24 research outputs found

    Amélioration de l'exactitude de l'inférence phylogénomique

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    L’explosion du nombre de séquences permet à la phylogénomique, c’est-à-dire l’étude des liens de parenté entre espèces à partir de grands alignements multi-gènes, de prendre son essor. C’est incontestablement un moyen de pallier aux erreurs stochastiques des phylogénies simple gène, mais de nombreux problèmes demeurent malgré les progrès réalisés dans la modélisation du processus évolutif. Dans cette thèse, nous nous attachons à caractériser certains aspects du mauvais ajustement du modèle aux données, et à étudier leur impact sur l’exactitude de l’inférence. Contrairement à l’hétérotachie, la variation au cours du temps du processus de substitution en acides aminés a reçu peu d’attention jusqu’alors. Non seulement nous montrons que cette hétérogénéité est largement répandue chez les animaux, mais aussi que son existence peut nuire à la qualité de l’inférence phylogénomique. Ainsi en l’absence d’un modèle adéquat, la suppression des colonnes hétérogènes, mal gérées par le modèle, peut faire disparaître un artéfact de reconstruction. Dans un cadre phylogénomique, les techniques de séquençage utilisées impliquent souvent que tous les gènes ne sont pas présents pour toutes les espèces. La controverse sur l’impact de la quantité de cellules vides a récemment été réactualisée, mais la majorité des études sur les données manquantes sont faites sur de petits jeux de séquences simulées. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à quantifier cet impact dans le cas d’un large alignement de données réelles. Pour un taux raisonnable de données manquantes, il appert que l’incomplétude de l’alignement affecte moins l’exactitude de l’inférence que le choix du modèle. Au contraire, l’ajout d’une séquence incomplète mais qui casse une longue branche peut restaurer, au moins partiellement, une phylogénie erronée. Comme les violations de modèle constituent toujours la limitation majeure dans l’exactitude de l’inférence phylogénétique, l’amélioration de l’échantillonnage des espèces et des gènes reste une alternative utile en l’absence d’un modèle adéquat. Nous avons donc développé un logiciel de sélection de séquences qui construit des jeux de données reproductibles, en se basant sur la quantité de données présentes, la vitesse d’évolution et les biais de composition. Lors de cette étude nous avons montré que l’expertise humaine apporte pour l’instant encore un savoir incontournable. Les différentes analyses réalisées pour cette thèse concluent à l’importance primordiale du modèle évolutif.The explosion of sequence number allows for phylogenomics, the study of species relationships based on large multi-gene alignments, to flourish. Without any doubt, phylogenomics is essentially an efficient way to eliminate the problems of single gene phylogenies due to stochastic errors, but numerous problems remain despite obvious progress realized in modeling evolutionary process. In this PhD-thesis, we are trying to characterize some consequences of a poor model fit and to study their impact on the accuracy of the phylogenetic inference. In contrast to heterotachy, the variation in the amino acid substitution process over time did not attract so far a lot of attention. We demonstrate that this heterogeneity is frequently observed within animals, but also that its existence can interfere with the quality of phylogenomic inference. In absence of an adequate model, the elimination of heterogeneous columns, which are poorly handled by the model, can eliminate an artefactual reconstruction. In a phylogenomic framework, the sequencing strategies often result in a situation where some genes are absent for some species. The issue about the impact of the quantity of empty cells was recently relaunched, but the majority of studies on missing data is performed on small datasets of simulated sequences. Therefore, we were interested on measuring the impact in the case of a large alignment of real data. With a reasonable amount of missing data, it seems that the accuracy of the inference is influenced rather by the choice of the model than the incompleteness of the alignment. For example, the addition of an incomplete sequence that breaks a long branch can at least partially re-establish an artefactual phylogeny. Because, model violations are always representing the major limitation of the accuracy of the phylogenetic inference, the improvement of species and gene sampling remains a useful alternative in the absence of an adequate model. Therefore, we developed a sequence-selection software, which allows the reproducible construction of datasets, based on the quantity of data, their evolutionary speed and their compositional bias. During this study, we did realize that the human expertise still furnishes an indispensable knowledge. The various analyses performed in the course of this PhD thesis agree on the primordial importance of the model of sequence evolution

    SCaFoS: a tool for Selection, Concatenation and Fusion of Sequences for phylogenomics

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    BACKGROUND: Phylogenetic analyses based on datasets rich in both genes and species (phylogenomics) are becoming a standard approach to resolve evolutionary questions. However, several difficulties are associated with the assembly of large datasets, such as multiple copies of a gene per species (paralogous or xenologous genes), lack of some genes for a given species, or partial sequences. The use of undetected paralogous or xenologous genes in phylogenetic inference can lead to inaccurate results, and the use of partial sequences to a lack of resolution. A tool that selects sequences, species, and genes, while dealing with these issues, is needed in a phylogenomics context. RESULTS: Here, we present SCaFoS, a tool that quickly assembles phylogenomic datasets containing maximal phylogenetic information while adjusting the amount of missing data in the selection of species, sequences and genes. Starting from individual sequence alignments, and using monophyletic groups defined by the user, SCaFoS creates chimeras with partial sequences, or selects, among multiple sequences, the orthologous and/or slowest evolving sequences. Once sequences representing each predefined monophyletic group have been selected, SCaFos retains genes according to the user's allowed level of missing data and generates files for super-matrix and super-tree analyses in several formats compatible with standard phylogenetic inference software. Because no clear-cut criteria exist for the sequence selection, a semi-automatic mode is available to accommodate user's expertise. CONCLUSION: SCaFos is able to deal with datasets of hundreds of species and genes, both at the amino acid or nucleotide level. It has a graphical interface and can be integrated in an automatic workflow. Moreover, SCaFoS is the first tool that integrates user's knowledge to select orthologous sequences, creates chimerical sequences to reduce missing data and selects genes according to their level of missing data. Finally, applying SCaFoS to different datasets, we show that the judicious selection of genes, species and sequences reduces tree reconstruction artefacts, especially if the dataset includes fast evolving species

    Difficult phylogenetic questions: more data, maybe; better methods, certainly

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    Contradicting the prejudice that endosymbiosis is a rare phenomenon, HusnĂ­k and co-workers show in BMC Biology that bacterial endosymbiosis has occured several times independently during insect evolution. Rigorous phylogenetic analyses, in particular using complex models of sequence evolution and an original site removal procedure, allow this conclusion to be established after eschewing inference artefacts that usually plague the positioning of highly divergent endosymbiont genomic sequences

    Cnidarian phylogenetic relationships as revealed by mitogenomics

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    Data access for the 1,000 Plants (1KP) project

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    © 2014 Matasci et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. The 1,000 plants (1KP) project is an international multi-disciplinary consortium that has generated transcriptome data from over 1,000 plant species, with exemplars for all of the major lineages across the Viridiplantae (green plants) clade. Here, we describe how to access the data used in a phylogenomics analysis of the first 85 species, and how to visualize our gene and species trees. Users can develop computational pipelines to analyse these data, in conjunction with data of their own that they can upload. Computationally estimated protein-protein interactions and biochemical pathways can be visualized at another site. Finally, we comment on our future plans and how they fit within this scalable system for the dissemination, visualization, and analysis of large multi-species data sets

    Site-specific time heterogeneity of the substitution process and its impact on phylogenetic inference

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Model violations constitute the major limitation in inferring accurate phylogenies. Characterizing properties of the data that are not being correctly handled by current models is therefore of prime importance. One of the properties of protein evolution is the variation of the relative rate of substitutions across sites and over time, the latter is the phenomenon called heterotachy. Its effect on phylogenetic inference has recently obtained considerable attention, which led to the development of new models of sequence evolution. However, thus far focus has been on the quantitative heterogeneity of the evolutionary process, thereby overlooking more qualitative variations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We studied the importance of variation of the site-specific amino-acid substitution process over time and its possible impact on phylogenetic inference. We used the CAT model to define an infinite mixture of substitution processes characterized by equilibrium frequencies over the twenty amino acids, a useful proxy for qualitatively estimating the evolutionary process. Using two large datasets, we show that qualitative changes in site-specific substitution properties over time occurred significantly. To test whether this unaccounted qualitative variation can lead to an erroneous phylogenetic tree, we analyzed a concatenation of mitochondrial proteins in which Cnidaria and Porifera were erroneously grouped. The progressive removal of the sites with the most heterogeneous CAT profiles across clades led to the recovery of the monophyly of Eumetazoa (Cnidaria+Bilateria), suggesting that this heterogeneity can negatively influence phylogenetic inference.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The time-heterogeneity of the amino-acid replacement process is therefore an important evolutionary aspect that should be incorporated in future models of sequence change.</p

    Phylotranscriptomic analysis of the origin and early diversification of land plants

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    Reconstructing the origin and evolution of land plants and their algal relatives is a fundamental problem in plant phylogenetics, and is essential for understanding how critical adaptations arose, including the embryo, vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers. Despite advances inmolecular systematics, some hypotheses of relationships remain weakly resolved. Inferring deep phylogenies with bouts of rapid diversification can be problematic; however, genome-scale data should significantly increase the number of informative characters for analyses. Recent phylogenomic reconstructions focused on the major divergences of plants have resulted in promising but inconsistent results. One limitation is sparse taxon sampling, likely resulting from the difficulty and cost of data generation. To address this limitation, transcriptome data for 92 streptophyte taxa were generated and analyzed along with 11 published plant genome sequences. Phylogenetic reconstructions were conducted using up to 852 nuclear genes and 1,701,170 aligned sites. Sixty-nine analyses were performed to test the robustness of phylogenetic inferences to permutations of the datamatrix or to phylogeneticmethod, including supermatrix, supertree, and coalescent-based approaches, maximumlikelihood and Bayesian methods, partitioned and unpartitioned analyses, and amino acid versus DNA alignments. Among other results, we find robust support for a sister-group relationship between land plants and one group of streptophyte green algae, the Zygnematophyceae. Strong and robust support for a clade comprising liverworts and mosses is inconsistent with a widely accepted view of early land plant evolution, and suggests that phylogenetic hypotheses used to understand the evolution of fundamental plant traits should be reevaluated

    La nature : quelle perception ? quelle gestion ?

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    Après une première tentative annulée ce printemps, l'ATelier d'ÉCOlogie POLitique a décidé de reprogrammer ce séminaire pour inaugurer cette troisième session du SEMECOL le 8 décembre 2020. Malheureusement, compte tenu des conditions sanitaires actuelles, cet événement dut se tenir en visio-conférence. Un enregistrement de la conférence est mis à disposition sur Prisme. La perception de chacun et plus particulièrement des décideurs est importante pour la gestion qui est faite de la nature. De..

    Intrusion de militants sur l’aéroport de Bordeaux : la note d’information de l’Atécopol

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    Le 22 février a lieu le procès de militants qui se sont introduits sur le tarmac de l’aéroport de Bordeaux en octobre 2020. L’Atécopol a rédigé une note d’information qui constituera une pièce du dossier. Elle éclaire les motivations des militants au vu de l’urgence climatique, et apporte des informations sur le transport aérien issues de la littérature scientifique, ainsi que quelques analyses. Lire la note sur Médiapar